Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Meadow View Windmill

Blocking in and the start of the windmill

I love windmills, I have a thing about them, I love them most in the British
countryside, with harvest fields surrounding them.

If you like my artwork check out my gallery page
you can buy my original artwork online

Wendy the Weston Super Mare Donkey

 Meet Wendy!
 I have been sketching & loving the donkies at Weston
I thought it was about time I painted the scene

 Layers going on #WorkinProgress

 Acrylics on Canvas

If you like my work please check out my online gallery

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Charlie Cockerel With Palette Knives

 Blocking In...

Charlie Cockerel On Canvas
Acrylics with Palette knives

 I have often painted cockerels because I love there amazing pride & beautiful feathers
This time I picked up palette knives.

If you like my artwork please check out my gallery page:

Morag The Highland Cow With Palette Knives

Blocking In
First layers of paint going on.

 Meet Morag she is a fiesty highland coo, she is the first at the gate to say hello and loves a good scratch on her head.

If you love my artwork please check out my gallery page

The Tree Of Prophacy

 The Tree Of Prophacy
Acrylics on Deep Profile Boxed Canvas
12 x 12"
 I am really rather taken with my new painting.
I guess everyone has moments in there life when they are unsure of there future.
I painted this in such a moment.
I was searching my self for answers, life changing thoughts, fears of the unknown
Wouldn't it be lovely to know that the path you are about to take is the right one?

The hues are deeply spirital and magicals, relating to the higher knowledge
Wisdom and faith.

I hope the viewer can find the answers they seek when looking at the painting
If you like my artwork please do check out my gallery page